In the past, there were only two
for administrative software:

Buy "off-the-shelf" and change your
business practices to accomodate
the software.

Or, pay for a custom-built solution,
which can be very expensive and may
never be completed.

Data Systems can provide you
with reasonably priced administrative
software that is uniquely capable of
handling your business needs.

We begin your project with the right combination of our 15 tightly integrated, feature-rich modules.
Then, using PRO-IV, a highly productive 4th generation language, we tailor our modules to meet
your specific needs. You'll have all the benefits of a "made-to-order" solution, without the costs or
risks associated with custom built software.

Data Systems offers a full range of software design and development services, as well as PRO-IV
training and support.

Celebrating our 32nd year. Let us show you how cost effective our solutions can be.

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