Data Systems, Inc. PRO*ACCT
  Company Autumn in Vermont  
Founded in 1978, Data Systems, Inc. provides tailored software solutions and ongoing
support for wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, and distributors. We offer systems
analysis and design, custom programming, and on-site training. We are proud of our
well-deserved reputation for excellent service, and we strive to maintain that ideal.
We serve large corporations, non-profit organizations, and small businesses with a
full range of single-user, multi-user, and networked solutions.
DSI at a Glance
  Tailored software for accounting, inventory control, order processing, sales analysis.
  Administrative and accounting solutions for wholesalers, importers & manufacturers.
  PRO-IV programming and training services.
  Outstanding personalized customer support.

What our Customers Say
"Data Systems combines their superb talents as computer designers and programmers
 with their common sense business knowledge."
 Shalom International

"An organization of professionals with integrity."
 Vermont Rural Education Center

"Data Systems really does make an effort to satisfy their customers."
 Perry Restaurant Group